考研 英语怎么说(参加考研英语怎么说)

考研 英语怎么说,参加考研英语怎么说

“He turned football into art, into entertainment. He gave a voice to the poor, to black people and, above all, he gave visibility to Brazil. Football and Brazil have raised their ‘status’ thanks to the King!”
球王贝利(Pele),二十世纪最伟大的足球运动员之一,因病去世,享年82岁。有人说“在贝利之前足球只是一项运动,贝利改变了一切。他把足球变成了艺术,变成了娱乐!他为穷人发声,为黑人发声,最重要的是,他让巴西有目共暏。” 再见,球王贝利。愿天堂也有足球。

Pele, whose real name was Edson Arantes do Nasciment, was widely considered to be the greatest soccer/football player of all time in history. Pele, whose fans would regularly call him “King of football” or “King or soccer” or simple “King Pele”, was Brazil’s three time World Cup winner (1958, 1962, 1970).
贝利的全名是Edson Arantes do Nasciment,但很多人只知道他的昵称。贝利被国际足联授予“球王(The King of football)”称号,他是巴西唯一一位三次(分别于1958年、1962年和1970年)赢得世界杯(World Cup)的球员。


“Global Icon”是什么意思?全球图标?
Pele’s extraordinary talent and unmatched achievement made him a global icon – the greatest idol of world football.
global icon 全球偶像,icon在这里是“崇拜对象”的意思。


“Inspiration and love marked the journey of King Pele, who peacefully passed away today. On his journey, Edson enchanted the world with his genius in sport, stopped a war, carried out social works all over the world and spread what he most believed to be the cure for all our problems: love. His message today becomes a legacy for future generations. Love, love and love, forever.”


R.I.P 是Rest In Peace(愿TA安息)的缩写。一般写在墓碑上。
RIP Pelé: Brazilian legend remembered as the king of soccer

文稿来源:VOAEC.COM 原创

考研 英语怎么说(参加考研英语怎么说)

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